
a new rhythm...

Just being into the school year by a matter of days, I am surprised at how many emotions have emerged from having my mornings alone while both kiddos are at school!  I range from feelings of gratitude and calm, to antsy and listless, feeling like I should capitalize on Every. Single. Second.  As the school year began, I prayed for how God would have me use this time.  I drop the kids off at school at 8am and I don't get Eden until 1115.  
She is only in half day kindergarten and I am so thankful.  I think it made the transition so much easier for her.  Both of my kids have had those moments in Kindergarten where they have looked at me and said, "Wait, I'm going EVERY day of the week?!" Half day has made that so much smoother.
I am navigating those hours.  (I still wait for Eden to do Costco with me, because doing it alone made me miss my girl!)  So in addition to the normal household stuff, work, grocery shopping, organizing, and school involvement and events, the priorities have been spending time with Jesus and taking significant time to pray.  
I have started running again and have been having so much more energy! It feels really good!  I also use it as part of my prayer time.
Also some fun things I have been enjoying:
I have also gotten back into some craft projects that have been so fun and easy!
Making envelopes out of old magazines to give to friends or accompany gifts:
Scrapbooking and organizing photos:
Little craft "projects" for the house like this one using lichen from the cabin:
(It looks tiny but it was so satisfying to work on it...❤︎)
And organizing things so that I am better with my menus and meal planning.(Kit is coaching Eden's soccer team and Ryder is playing flag football for Friday Night Lights. I have been having fun organizing crockpot recipes and easy to assemble meals for the evenings that feel a little crazier than others...)
BBQ chicken sandwhiches are a favorite!
 Also combining chicken, black beans, corn, and a jar of your favorite salsa is a huge hit!
Sometimes while I prep things, the kids will work on school work or Eden will pull out her craft stuff:
Her color play has been a favorite!
We are slowly but surely getting into a groove and rhythm and I am thankful for all the ways God has allowed the things that we are a part of to be so life giving.❤︎
It really is such a sweet season of life!