

Christmas lights are a FAVORITE at our house. Between putting them on our house, on our tree, in our bedrooms, and looking for them in surrounding neighborhoods, we just can't get enough.
I was preparing to hang some lights and had to check to make sure they all worked and were a long enough strand.  The kids were mesmerized:
First it was Ryder:
 then his sister wanted to get in on the fun:
then I told them I would be putting the lights away:
(The look, "Are you being serious?")
then came the pouting:
We REALLY like lights at our house...
Here it is this year:
We are big fans of the c9 multicolor lights.
We went to look at lights the other night after dinner and bath time. We bundled up in our jammies and hopped in the car to head to one of our favorite local neighborhoods that goes all out.
There is a house that syncs it's lights to music and it is just beautiful!  It's one of our favorite stops.
It was so sweet, when we had seen the whole cycle of songs and we were about to leave, Ryder said, "Thank you mama for taking me to see these lights!  It's so beautiful!"  It's moments like that that make motherhood so great! I love that kid and watching the look of sheer wonder and awe on their little faces was priceless.
Plus, I was informed that the Grinch is one of his favorite Christmas stories, so seeing the Grinch on the roof just made Ryder's night!
Eden liked the lights, but after a few minutes, she wanted to know if I had brought any snacks.  Gotta love a growth spurt...
She said over and over, "Nack, peese!  Mommy, nack peese!"
Goodness gracious... 
So I hope you have  a day that is merry and BRIGHT!