
christmas recap

We are still spinning from all of the christmas festivities.  We LOVE when we get to be with our families!
Here is a little recap of our time:
Christmas Eve we let the kiddos open a present: a baseball glove.  The rest of the morning was spent outside playing baseball...
Christmas Eve Service at our church:
In their Sunday best:
She loved her shoes:
Christmas morning, we got up and opened presents and had an impromptu pancake morning with our neighbors, the Johnsons.
It was so fun to watch the kiddos open their presents.  Ryder got a nerf gun set and Eden got her first baby doll.  Kit received some awesome camping stuff and Kit gave me some beautiful canvased photographs of the kids.
Then we headed out to Redlands where we had some time of great conversations, laughter and AMAZING food.  I just love that we get to do life with our family!
A scavenger hunt to find presents:
The girls:
A new game:
after a tasty breakfast we went to a park:
And we stayed at the swings the entire time with this little munch:
Speaking of this little munch, she and her cousin got matching outfits for Christmas:
Yep, twins...
It was a wonderful Christmas time.  We will be heading up to visit our family in Santa Maria after New Years Eve!  The festivities and celebrations will continue!