
Thoughts on my job...

I find that I can fall easily into "complain mode" when I am at work. Which is so sad because I love my job and I am thankful for the flexibility that it allows for our family and that it enables me to be home with Ryder 99% of the time.

I worked this last Saturday and I was reminded of how great my job really is. I connected with new and growing families and got to encourage parents, specifically c-section moms that were feeling completely sleep deprived and overwhelmed by the daunting task of recovery and parenthood... No matter how many deliveries I attend, I always cry, it's that incredibe! I really enjoy my co-workers and I am so thankful to have some incredible women around me.

(My sister, a Surgical ICU nurse, loves to tell me that at my job, I hand out Motrin and stool softeners and tell breastfeeding mothers how great their "equipment" is. It can feel very true, but sometimes a breastfeeding mom just needs to hear that kind of encouragement♥.)

I have been challenged by Kit to remember how it was to do three years of oncology and work with hospice patients with palliative and end of life care. I am so thankful that the Lord has opened the door for me to do what I do now. Kit has challenged me to constantly invite the Lord into my day and so the very simple prayer that has become a habit (and almost a mantra) for me has been:
"Lord, be with me today, I invite you in to all that I do and all the people I will interact with. I want to do today with you."
Kit, thank you so much for your wisdom and encouragement!
You are an amazing man...
I hope you have a wonderful week and a very happy monday!