
Back to school dinner 2024

This last Friday, we had our annual back to school dinner!  This tradition is so special to us.  We have done it since Ryder went to preschool.  We make a fun dinner, and pray over our year: Teachers and faculty, fellow students, friends, team mates... We choose a verse that marks the year for us. We pray over each other as well. 

The kids each lead the prayer time for each other… The absolute sweetest!

We chose this verse: 

"The Lord your God will fight for you, you need only be still..."

Exodus 14:14

We loved thinking of the things that each year brings, conflicts that we might have to "fight": relationships (with friends or teachers), feelings of perfectionism or anxious thoughts or subjects that are hard to navigate, peer pressures, and potentially over all feelings of inadequacy... There can be these feelings to be constantly doing and fighting and pushing... This verse is a prayer for our kids that they would know that God has gone before them and that He fights battles on our behalf, that the only thing they have to do is know that he is God and that they just need to be still.  There is so much peace when you realize that that sometimes the heavy things that you are carrying were never things you were meant to pick up in the first place... I love that we get to live life with Christ and I LOVE that He goes with them into each day, each school year...