
December books 2023

This month's reading was significantly influenced by the season of Advent.   
Both of these books were beautiful tools in preparing my heart for the celebration of Christ's birth.  "Shadow and Light" went off of the Liturgical calendar and Honest Advent was to start December 1.  "Shadow and Light" also had an accompanying musical playlist for songs that would go with that day's reading as well as references of artwork that depicted what the author was conveying in her words. 
In January 2023, I had made a goal to read more throughout the year and had set the goal to read 25 books in 2023.
This year I was able to read 41 books. Some were deep and academic and others were lighthearted and pure entertainment.  Either way, I am so glad to have had the experience of setting and accomplishing a goal!
I am excited to set my list and goal for next year!