
snapshots of a day

Sometimes the most basic and ordinary days are the ones I don't want to forget, so I picked a day and took little snapshots throughout, just to mark it in my mind.

Started with my morning walking loop, and these chalk hearts were still going strong even after the sprinklers.  I listen to Lectio 365 and podcast episodes from the Lazy Genius.

A recent favorite for breakfast has been breakfast sandwiches:
So much of life right now seems to be getting my kids to and from their events, whether it's school or sports, or friends houses. We always pray for our day on the way to school:
After drop off, errands and filling up with gas are necessary:
How is gas $5.55/gallon?
Cleaning the rabbits room is top of the list for the day:
Follow up snuggles and watching a Gilmore Girl episode are a nice way to chill for a bit:
She's fun to hangout with.  Way more chill than our other bunny...
Lunch and pumpkin pancakes for an after school snack and the next day's breakfast:
Then it's on to getting kids to soccer and while Ryder practices, I walk loops around his field.  He loves everything about the game and I love watching him do something that he loves so much!
Usually I walk 5-6 miles while he practices.
The day ends with showering and starting laundry and getting kids set for the next day.  Sometimes there are bowls of cereal consumed after practice.  Sometimes everyone just needs to sit a minute, but we end it together...  This is where life happens.  In the ordinary and seemingly mundane.  I will look back on days like these as the sweetest...