
this and that

 This last week is the longest that we have been home between trips.  We have done a house project to fix water damage to our pergola base and we saw the new Indiana Jones movie and loved it.  We ate Mexican food at Avila's and have we have done most of our back to school shopping.  We have had movie nights and pancake mornings.  We have had friends over to watch the women's World Cup, we have had swim parties with dear friends that just moved around the corner. Lots of playdates with besties. We worked on our garden and are working to make a computer area for Ryder in the sun room. Dentists appointments have been checked off the list. Bunnies have been snuggled. There has been early morning coffee on our patio and books on tape that I have loved while sitting by the pool. I only got a few snapshots:

Kit and Ryder surprised me at work with coffee. I wanted to cry.

Tomorrow we head out on our annual trip to the beach... I really am so thankful for all that these days have held.  They remind me that the simple things really are the best.