
Learning and growing...

A couple of weekends ago, Ryder had a full weekend of sports, where he played 3 soccer games for a tournament in Costa Mesa and 1 baseball game.  

He and his team won his baseball game and won two of the soccer games and then they lost the championship game. It's easy for us to give accolades for the victories, but there is a beautiful thing that happens in watching the man you are raising show up and give his all.  I've come to realize that he learns more about himself as a human being and athlete in the losses than in the winning. It won't be perfect, but in the practice of him giving his best in ALL things and continuing to humbly show up, his character will be built, his leadership will be developed, his insecurities   will be overcome, his friendships will be fortified, and his athletic skills will be honed in perseverance.  All this with the goal that the WHO he is OFF the field will always be more important than what he can do on the field. We are proud of these kids of ours!