
Celebrating our 11 year old...

 On Saturday night, Ryder invited his buddy Brayden over for a Lego making, candy eating, In-N-Out consuming, ping pong playing, movie watching birthday!

They are such sweet friends!
Legos are always a good idea...
They ate to where they didn't want cake.
So for this birthday, the dessert was In-N-Out shakes...
Guess what you can't put a candle in...
The movie that was picked was The Last Jedi...
Before the movie started, while the boys were building legos and having "boy time", Eden and I ate snacks, she did my nails and we watched "Princess Diaries"...
The evening was such a sweet success!  Last year at Ryder's birthday, everything was cancelled and we were on lockdown ad I couldn't even find mylar balloons!  I love that we were able to celebrate and make special memories this year!