
California Historical Sites!

For Ryder's fourth grade class, he was asked to research a registered California Historical Landmark (CHL) and to research it and prepare to present it to his class, with a creative way for presenting the information.  He chose two sites, no. 218 Barton Mound, and no. 225 Flores Peak.  Both were marked as historical to commemorate the first LA county Sheriff to die in the line of duty.
We made an afternoon of it on Saturday.
First we headed to Barton Mound, which is right off the 405 freeway, next to Irvine Spectrum:
Do you see my boys to the far left videoing...
Eden and I took a little walk while the boys did their videos.
Then we headed to Flores Peak, located off of Santiago Canyon Road, and can be seen while wallking the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary:
 After Ryder and Kit had gone all of their videos and information gathering,  we decided to eat at the Silverado Cafe, in Silverado, which is also a historical landmark, no. 202.
On the way to the Silverado Cafe, we drove past the California Historical Landmark of the location of the mining city of Carbondale, no. 228:
We had a full day of making memories together and enjoying seeing not one, but 4 California Historical Landmarks.
It was so fun to learn about the area where we live and to have fun while we did it!