
creating patterns...

As the school year has begun, I have been getting back into my routines.  It has been so life giving for me to have routines and expectations for the time that the kiddos are in school...
Some snap shots of my day:
Making lunch bundles for the week on Sunday when I do the meal planning and grocery shopping:
(It makes the week run so much easier!)
Making breakfast for my babies while we listen to worship music and talk about our day:
Having a good playlist for our morning carpool:
(An empty car is still a strange phenomenon for me...)
Doing yard work and gardening:
(It's nice when I'm not trying to tackle the yard and getting things for the kids at the same time):
Then probably a favorite is sitting in my chair in our room, taking time to be with the Lord, praying, and spending time in the Bible:
I don't want to forget how sweet this time of life is.  These photos remind me to stop and slow down and take it all in.  These moments will be over.  The kids will someday be moved out, they will be more and more independent and begin living their own lives.  These hours allow me to stop and recharge and get ready for the time that we have in the afternoons and evenings.
Being a mom is the best ever!
This is a really sweet time of life...❤︎