
Fourth of July 2019!

We had such a sweet holiday with people that we love!
We celebrated with our neighbors and friends in our community in the morning and with our friends the Elkins in the afternoon!
Our neighborhood loves to come together for a carnival and parade.  We were with our neighbors to watch it all take place!
Tina and Rick are the absolute best!
I love that we have them in our lives... 
Then we headed to the carnival before we headed off to an evening with our friends:
 So many silly little games, but the kids love it and it gives us a chance to be with our neighbors!
Then we headed to our friends house for swimming, BBQ, S'mores, and fireworks!
 The kids swam FOR HOURS!
 They are such buddies!
We ate.  A lot!
Kit smoked a brisket and pickled his own red onions to go with it.
 Watching the fireworks with my favorite fella...
S'mores and this pie:
 Sparklers for the WIN!
The day ended with the kids passed out on the couch and the parents sitting and talking around the fire.
I absolutely love our community of family and friends...
We are so thankful!