Here are the books I read this month:
I love Kendra Adachi. This is the second time I have read this book. She talks about being “lazy” about things that don’t matter and a “genius” about the things that do. She has principles and tools that layout ways to structure life in a way to focus on what matters most. I strongly recommend it!
This book was recommended as a friend as an older woman’s coming of age story.
I liked this book review that I found:
“What is the story about? LIFE. It’s about leaving your single self to become part of something larger. It’s about all the missteps you take as you figure out the kind of life you want to live. It’s about mistakes, forgiveness, and the people who come into your life to help you navigate the ups and downs.”
It was good, a fun read.
I loved this book by Sharon McMahon, a compilation of true stories of people that had incredible impact on America’s history. People that I had never heard of but have had powerful, long lasting impact on everything from its founding, to education to the Civil Rights Movement! So good! We love history and it was so inspiring to hear these stories. I strongly recommend it!
I read this one after it was recommended as a fictional read about a family immigrating to the US from the Philippines and a coming of age story for the main character. She navigates her old culture while acclimating to the new one of America in our modern day time. I felt like there was more sex and language than needed, but there were insights into multicultural living that I am
not as familiar with. Well developed characters but I have to say I wouldn’t be quick to recommend it.