
just going with it...

Last week, we had planned to leave on Sunday for the Sierras to do a two day backpacking trip as a family with our Grandi and Monkey Papa.  It had planned to be our last "hurrah" before school starts, But when Sunday rolled around, both kids were hit hard with fevers and stomach bugs.  It was REALLY hard to go into the week trying to be flexible and open to whatever the week held.
Monday morning, Eden woke up feeling completely normal (with no fever), and Ryder was at about 75%.  Kit and I decided to head up to the cabin.  Worst case scenario, we thought we could just lay low there and still feel like we were away on vacation.  If they woke up on Tuesday feeling fine, then we would back pack in.
So Monday was spent was spent getting to the Cabin and then hanging out there.  By the time we got there, Ryder felt like he was back to his normal self.  We just went with it.

It was all about crafts, games and time at the cabin:

On Tuesday morning, they were ready for backpacking:

We went to Mystery Lake, up in the Sierras in the Dinkey Creek Wilderness.  We had done it last year and it's the perfect hike with little people.

Our campsite over looked the and it was breathtaking!

There was a perfect place for our hammock, (which later that day tore right down the middle.  I was SO BUMMED!)

Where is Eden?
Swimming and fishing were such a highlight:


Eating sardines... a camping tradition...

The kids first jiffy pop:

There was also a full moon that was absolutely breathtaking to see:
(It did however light up our tents and keep us up most of the night...)

The morning brought this beautiful fog over the water and our little fisherman was out at the crack of dawn...

Making jelly tarts for breakfast, another camping tradition:

More swimming, hiking, fishing and exploring our lake and the trails and lakes around us:

We found snow!

The fish were not biting but at one of the lakes, each of the guys got a fish and they were all SO excited!  We headed back to camp to cook them up for fish tacos:

We hiked out that evening.  In full disclosure, I think I might have gotten a little stomach bug from the kiddos and it made that second day tougher than I was expecting.  The kids cried when we told them  we weren't staying another night, but everyone rallied like champs to get me back to the cabin. I have the best family.❤︎ 
(Kit's pack was over 50 pounds so that mine could be lighter.) 

We made it back and made incredible memories along the way. Kit has the best memories backpacking with his grandparents and I am SO excited that our kids will have the same memories with theirs.
We really did win the grandparent lottery!❤︎
The next day we went to the local museum, and to Indian pools to swim before we made the drive home:


The sweet woman asked if she wanted to make a necklace and craft.
Eden's eye's lit up!

The kit came with a plastic eagle talon and Ryder was ALL over it!
(And the whole thing was free!  We were so excited that Grandi and Monkey Papa brought us here!)

Indian pools:

The week hadn't started as we planned, and we had to make adjustments along the way and just go with it, but we were so thankful for the time that we had at the cabin and out backpacking, with people that we love and all the memories we were able to come away with!

We feel ready for what is coming next!