

You know when you have that moment that you wish you could just slow time down.  I don't want it to stop but you are enjoying it so much that you just wish it didn't have to end?  (We tend to feel this way when we are on family vacations...)  The kids are at fun (crazy)  ages and excited about everything.  I love the feel of our house right now and the home that we have been creating here and I just wanted to freeze frame little snapshots around the house, enjoying all the little things that are bringing so much joy to our family.♥
Remnants of making apple crisp...
...while the kids talked to me while eating their waffles.
 New metal galvanized letters on our message board:
(Yep, that room still has no furniture in it, so when I do something different on this board, it makes me feel like we are giving this little spot in our house some love...)
The kids love that there is an 'r' and an 'e' in RAE.  They both feel represented...♥
 The view from our kitchen window...
 ... and an up close look at our garden:
 Chili and cornbread on the stove:
(It rained and when you looked out the window, it felt like chili weather, until you actually walked outside and felt the balmy 90 degree weather and the 87% humidity...)
Eden not happy that Kit was not home yet:
(I told her I was texting him to double check where he was, then I snapped this photo.  The pout is real.  The bewitching hours are real...)
While Eden was sad, Ryder was enthralled with a new magazine that had come that day that kept him occupied for almost an hour:
I don't want to rush any of this... I want to soak it up! 
Every. Last. Drop.