
"Mom, what do you do all day?"

Eden has been fascinated by what I do while they are in school.  So last week I told her I would take a picture to show each thing, just for fun.  Here was the run down of my recent Monday:

Make and Clean up breakfast.  Almost ALWAYS eggs and toast.

After drop off I spend time with Jesus.  We are doing an advent series and I love it!

I walk a neighborhood loop of two miles:
I did the meal plan for the week and did all the grocery shopping:
Mowed the lawn and ripped out our summer garden plants:
Loads of laundry:
Changed all the sheets and pulled out our flannel set because it is actually getting chilly here!
Ate thanksgiving leftovers while I organized photos of Thanksgiving:
Get to Eden's school pick up about 45 minutes early so that I can walk a mile-long loop that is there.
I check work emails and make sure learning modules are completed while I wait after my walk.
We come home and work on Eden's autobiography and reading for school.  There are also bunny snuggles:
I make dinner and then clean up while Kit and the kids are doing the front yard lights.
They finish the lights in time for bed:
These days are so simple and typical and yet so special to me.  I'm glad she is so curious and it makes my heart happy that we get to live this sweet life together with all of it's wonderful moments, big and small!