
Wrapping things up...

 These last two weeks have felt very sentimental to me.  We are closing out the school year, there have been little activities, on and off campus that I don't want to forget.  

1. Ryder had his class fair, where people bring in items to sell.  He decided to utilize the women in his life and turned to his sister to make batches of her slime and to teach him how to make rainbow loom bracelets on school colors:

He sold out...

2. Eden had her on campus family picnic:
I can't believe we only have one year left at our sweet elementary school...
3. Eden had her music recital:
The videos of this were priceless.  God bless music teachers!
4. Eden made the swim team for our neighborhood:
5. Ryder fell asleep and Kit carried him to his bed.  I wonder how much longer this will be possible?
6. With no practice last week, we were home to cook together, which got me SUPER excited about SUMMER!
The week ended with Closing Ceremonies for our Little League which I'll share tomorrow. How special these memories are to me and my family!