
pictures of our "now"...

We are currently living out a very intense historical moment and season and I wanted to try to capture it as a record for our family.  Covid-19 will come up when my kids are older and they will tell their kids about it, and I want to remember it as we are in it now.
Church has gone to live stream and video.  Sometimes it is filmed in real time, but mostly it is done ahead of time. I miss our people and I can't wait until we get to be together again!  Easter will be live streamed, and that will be a first for us...
Shopping has looked like having things out or having stores ration items, like 1 gallon of milk per family.  There were absolutely NO paper supplies or things like rice. Bread is also very scare for most of the times that I shop...
we wear masks and gloves.  Kit does most of our shopping, and he looks like this:
 or this.
The upside was that we really haven't been wasting and we really appreciated each thing that we are able to get for our meals.
This was how the shelves were in the beginning.  Now the stores are stocked better...
Our school is now closed for the rest of the year and we are doing home school/distance learning:
We made a schedule and we have pretty much been sticking to it!
 The kids have assignments from their teachers and get to meet as a class, either on Zoom or Google Meets:
Reading time in our house:
I have grown to appreciate our teachers and faculty more than ever, because they are amazing!  I knew that I always loved our teachers, but I have a new found respect for them, and I will carry that with me going forward.
Work has looked different for both kit and I.  For me, I have my temperature taken before I start and am asked if I have had a cough, then I proceed to wear a mask for the entire shift.
Kit has turned our bedroom into his office.  I love that even though he will have back to back meetings, he can command have lunch with us, come say hi, give us all love and then head back to what he has to do.
Ryder has to be the first to try out Kit's work space...
Kit is getting REALLY good at Zoom...
Work for me has been intense.  
I am so incredibly proud to be a nurse.
Around town, everything is closed.  You can get take out, but everything is closed, unless it's a vital business, like Home Depot, grocery stores, target, CVS...  Even our parks are closed.
And social distancing is a MUST.  People wear gloves and masks around while they walk...
People are doing what's called "Chalk Your Walk", so people can read it on their daily walks.  They are also hiding stuffed animals in their yard or front windows so that kids can go on a hunt for the animals while they have their little outside time...
PE is our favorite time of day!
We walk every morning and the kids ride their bikes.  
Sometimes we so to other local trails where we know there won't be other people...
They also created a tennis "court" in our street:
It is a favorite pastime:
ALL of our extra curricular activities have been cancelled.  Baseball, girls Scouts, Art, and gymnastics.  It was really hard to miss those things but I will tell you that I am grateful for how they have opened up our calendar for more family time.  I am grateful for our time together...  I have also learned how much I appreciate things that we intentionally put in our lives and how somethings will not be on our calendars when we are able to come out of this season...
With the extra time, in addition to our "PE time", there has been much more related family time, with meals together, playing games, the kids playing with each other, playing quietly on their own:
Playing games and calling it Common Core:
 Reading though Harry Potter has been so FUN!
We are heading to book three and we are only going to watch movies of the ones that we have read the book.  It has been so fun to watch the kids imaginations come to life on the big screen.
 Watching Dick Van Dyke or any other show on our bed, and enjoying the cosiness of it all...
 Baking with my girl and in my head calling it math...❤︎
 These are hard times.  There have been countless deaths around the world, family separation and  loneliness with isolation, attempts at Satan to cause extreme fear and anxiety in the midst of it all. But we have seen God move.  We have seen people come together to care for each other, to look out for each other, to draw closer to Christ as they draw closer to those they love, even if it is from a distance.  I am tempted to look back at this time that we are in and think of things we lost, but through the lens that Jesus and his grace has given us, I see so many things that we have gained.
As we go into this easter weekend, I have a different perspective on the World that God loved os much that He sent his only Son to save it.  We need our Savior and how THANKFUL I am that he loves us that much.❤︎ 
"The Light shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness can not overcome it!"