
End of the soccer season!

This last Saturday marked the end of the soccer season for our kiddos.  
This last Thursday we had our team party at the at Lampost Pizza, where food was consumed, but no where near as fast as quarters... 
They affirmed each kiddo which was so sweet!
 Coach Angie and Coach Andy were the absolute BEST!
Ryder's team made it to the second game of the playoffs and lost 4-1 to the first place team.  Ryder was able to make the goal which meant he was the highest scoring person on our team this season with 19 goals!  He was so SO EXCITED!
 They were sad it was over...
 I can not put into words ow proud I am of this kid, on and off the field!
He was asked to play for the All Star team and we let him make the decision and after thinking about it, he said he would pass this year to take a break before baseball starts in February.
It was hard not to try to weigh in on his decision, but he asked us what we thought, sai he wanted to "sleep on it" and then emailed the coach his response.
This is the response the coach responded with:
Learning how to navigate decisions like these with your kids, when to push, when to step  back, when to jump in, and when to let them flex their muscle of independence can be hard for us, but we are learning and we were thankful that as he made this decision, he was met with such kind support!
Then we headed to Eden's game, the Pink Fluffy Unicorns!
 Eden made a goal and was so proud of herself!  She is a defender and does an amazing job at it!
It was a fun way to end the season!
 Being affirmed by her dad makes this little girl so happy.  Add that she got a trophy and mini banner? HEAVEN!
With both of our kids, we were connected with such incredible families and coaches and we are so thankful for all of the memories that this season gave us as a family.❤︎