
counting quarters

We have been having more and more conversations with Ryder about money and working and saving our money and what we choose to spend it on and tithing... You know, all those super easy topics to have with your just-turned-five-year-old.  So Kit and I have been talking about what it would look like for Ryder to do little jobs around the house to make some money so that he can practice saving for something and seeing how hard you have to work for the money that you have. etc... Again, super easy concepts for our kiddo (Are you picking up on my sarcasm...?)  Cleaning up a mess that he has made in the play room or helping to set the table or putting his things away doesn't settle well with us as activities that he would get money for since there are things that also nurture responsibility and team as being part of our whole family.  So ALL that to say, Kit and I have decided that helping with yard work is the best type of "chore" for our kiddo.  
We started small but he did things like picking up fallen citrus fruit and weeding areas in our yard.  He tried to talk me into paying him for mowing the yard with his play mower but I couldn't let that one pass...  But I will keep nurturing his enthusiasm for mowing because that will end up being a big ticket item for sure!♥