
Playroom updates part 2...

I shared some changes I was making to our guest/playroom here and we have been having fun working at it little by little so I wanted to share some of the projects that we have been up to...

One of the corners had a silk tree that had a moss covering at the base. One day Ryder discovered the moss and between pulling it out and eating it, I knew that it was only a matter of time before Ryder started to poop moss, so it had to go. Here is the first part of the corner change.

(I left up the tissue pom poms from Ryder's party...)
Then here is a project that I am so excited about:
This Goodwill chair:
plus this fabric:
And we got this finished product:
I love how it all came together and I have already had some very special moments with Ryder, reading in this chair.

Then on the futon, we changed out the pillows and blanket and put darker curtains on both windows to make it darker for our guests. (Now if we could only figure out how to make the fish pump quieter we would be in business♥.)

It's been really fun doing these little projects and to see things coming together. It's fun to have these photos to watch how our little house has evolved with us...
It will be fun to add to it little by little...
I love our house!