

Ryder Rae~
You are in such a fun stage right now. (It does seem to get better and better, though I wish you could be more comfortable with teething...) You love to be chased, or to "chase us". You love being outside and playgrounds (Specifically slides) and you LOVE water, whether it is from the hose, our fountain, water parks, pools or any other body of water that you find... It is really sweet to watch.
You have taken to wanting to wrestle with anyone that is at your eye level, or anyone that is lying on the ground. Your tactic: throw all your body weight and on the person's chest or abdomen and LAUGH! It is so funny. It also leads into a great time of tickle wars...
You are ALL boy. You love to get dirty and explore and you have bumps and bruises from all of your independence in wanting to run and tackle things all by yourself. If there is a wall or hill in a 10 mile radius, you want to climb it. Have I mentioned how much you remind me of your dad?
You are definitely telling us what you like and what you don't like. You nod and point and clap and smile and get all excited about the first, and you go "boneless" and put your head back on the floor when we well you no. You can be very strong, and you come by it very honestly♥.
You are ADDICTED to your dad. You want to be near him and involved in whatever he's doing and you have just developed the sweetest bond and connection. I love watching you two together...
I fall more in love with your dad every time I see your face.
We couldn't love you more!