
8 years...

Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast time goes!
So in honor of our anniversary, here are some things that being married to Kit has taught me:

1.Opperating out of grace and love rather than consequence and judgment is always the better option.
2.If you marry your best friend, marriage can actually give you glimpses of heaven on earth.
3.The things that irritate me (like Kit's aversion to the laundry hamper) are COMPLETELY over shadowed by the incredible partner, father, lover and friend that he is... Perspective it so important!
4. If we are tired and hungry, there is absolutely no good that can come from a disagreement turned argument until we eat. Also, it it's after 10p, table the discussion until the next day and go to bed.
5.My expectations play into things WAY more than I ever realized. I am learning what it means to have REALISTIC expectations. (Kit still exceeds every one...)
6.Kit has taught me what being generous (with time, energy, finances...) is all about. I am humbled at how "other focused" my husband is.
7.If your husband is a man that you respect and admire and has character that you would follow, trusting his leadership will bring a closeness that I didn't realize was possible.
8. It's easier to say "I'm sorry" than it is to say "will you forgive me..." Kit is so good at forgiving and moving forward. I am working on not being such a grudge keeper...
9. When you are in the car, sitting in shot gun, and you are the only two in the vehicle, it is still considered "back seat driving" when I make comments. We always get where we are going... I am learning...
10.I have learned that I wouldn't want to share my life, (the good, the beautiful, the painful, the messy ,the joyful, the hilarious...) with anyone else. Kit you are still the one that my soul loves and I still choose you and only you to spend the rest of my life with.
I couldn't love or respect you more and I am so honored to be your wife. Thank you for all the grace, love and patience that you extend to me on a daily basis...♥