
While Kit was away...

 When I look back at the last 11 days, it's funny to think of how many little things filled our days. I took snap shots to send to Kit...

There was drop-offs and pickups at school:

Ryder went to youth group on Wednesdays:

We did lots of meal plans while doing homework and studying:

Eating a quiet lunch after cleaning the house.  We never eat upstairs, but, it was nice for a change of scenery, especially as it was over 100 degrees outside...
We tried to beat the heat checking out a new home store and getting ice cream afterwards:
Smelling candles is our favorite...
Note how fast the icre cream was melting...
There were soccer practices and new uniforms:
Eden went to her first semi pro soccer game at the Great Park with her bestie buddies:
Eden had a birthday party on Sunday at Rockin-Jump, so Ryder and I watched LOTS of football.  I invited a buddy to watch with us:
Ryder ran his weekly 1 1/2 mile and I rode my bike to keep him company:
We went to our Back To School Bash at our church where we shared a meal and played games and launched them into the new year with prayers and love.  I love our church.
Our church will be having our 25th anniversary on October and we had a really sweet Sunday of looking back and having Mike Erre teach and the Proctors lead worship.  We can't wait to see all that is coming:
We made a trip to his office to leave him notes:
The highlights of the weeks were being together, especially getting to connect with their dad:
I am SO happy that our Kit is home... 
Life is just better with him!