


I have never been one for New Year's resolutions.  I felt like I never lasted more than a month because I would set unrealistic expectations and goals and plans that were not sustainable.  The first new years goal that I set was back in 2018/2019 where I committed to mental health and healing.  I started therapy and had such joy in that process.  I didn't put a timeline or stop date.  

As I stepped into this year, I wanted to enter another season toward healing.  The pandemic has taken a toll emotionally and physically.  I noticed I was eating to comfort, not to feed my body.  I felt like it was mindless and never really satisfying.  I am so thankful to have tools that allowed me to recognize that I was doing that.  With that, working through ALL that this pandemic has brought, I found that I started this year exhausted, worn out, mentally and emotionally.

So as I start this year, three things that are bringing me such joy: Daily quiet time with Jesus, 30 minute daily walks for prayer and worship music and mental space, and mindful/intentional eating (which sounds ambiguous but it's asking the question "Am I actually hungry?" and if I am hungry,  "Is what I'm choosing to eat right now going fill me in the best way?"). It's funny how asking those two questions has made such a difference in my eating habits.

It's not about weight, though I am the heaviest I have been since I was pregnant with the kids.  Over the last month, I feel like I am moving toward a holistic health and balance that has been missing... I am so grateful that Jesus is meeting me where I am.  He is filling me in places that felt so depleted, and for that I am so thankful... I look forward to a year that moves me toward continued health.