
Her First Field Trip a.k.a. A Change Of Plans...

On Wednesday, we were scheduled to go to the Shipley Science Center for a first grade field trip. I had been picked as one of two parents to be the chaperone for her class.
And then the rain forced it to be postponed.
Eden and I were SO bummed!
What the first graders ended up doing was rotating through different activities in each of the 4 first grade teachers class rooms.
I was able to be in Eden's class to help with a craft project.
She was so excited to have me there and it was so fun to be with all of the kids in her class.
The project was a leprechaun:
 The other room mom and I made the example and we were very proud of ourselves!
But Eden's was so much sweeter:
(The way she glued his legs on makes him look like he is dancing:)
 Watching this girl is the absolute best!
The official field trip with be rescheduled and we are excited to go together!