
A (little) much needed backyard update!

Summer means projects.  We have a HUGE one coming up for the outside of our house. So to get ready for it, we have been fixing our concrete and pairing down our plants to simplify the backyard (as well as to limit the number of spider hideout spots I have...EEK!)
Here was my view a few months ago:
The wood framing for the concrete slabs had completely worn down in a few spots, so we had these long 2in x 4in crevices on our patio:
So we dug out the remainder wood, and Kit bought wood to fill in the holes:
 We also paired down our succulents and the patio feels so much cleaner.  It was not a bad project by means of time and money, but it has had a HUGE impact on our set up in the back yard.  Since we have been in this house, at EVERY party that we have hosted, some one has either tripped or gotten their chair stuck in the hole.  We are so thankful to FINALLY have it fixed!
Eden has been loving the patio especially for her art time.  It's nice that it's all set for her!
The patio is now ready for our project that will happen so soon!
We are really excited about what is coming!