

Since dropping his nap a few weeks ago, we have been trying to figure out what it looks like for Ryder to have quiet play time and to decompress from his school day and not just give him screen time.  And you know what he picks EVERY time? Legos:
 After about an hour in his room, sitting with a floor full of tiny pieces of possibilities, he emerged with this ship.  He said, "I had to keep changing it so that it worked better for the people."  Each piece had a purpose and function and he had stories around what the ship was for and where it was going... 
 Then before we left for his practice, he said, "Mom, can you hold me like when I was little?  Then let's read books, then we can go to my practice..."
I don't think I could ever thank God enough for giving me this little boy and giving me the honor and the privilege to get to call him my son...