
a long awaited purchase...

After living in our house for almost a year and half, and scouring garage sales, thrift stores, curbside finds, and Craiglist for furniture, we have finally started to put our fire place room together.  Meet the newest addition to our house:
After living here for awhile and realizing that having a sitting area here would be the most beneficial, we finally found this leather couch on Craigslist for about a 1/4 of the cost of retail.  (It was only two months old!)
Ryder helped to make sure that it would fit...
Ryder measured it perfectly...
 We got her all styled up, keeping things as neutral as possible, mostly with things we already had!
And here is my view when I am in our kitchen...
We have already logged so many hours of sitting together and reading and talking here and I have loved to sit here and watch the kiddos play in the playroom...
We also added this chalk board from Hobby Lobby and put our favorite lyrics from one of our favorite hymns:
It feels like this part of the house is really coming together!
It's crazy to think that it looked like this when we bought it:
Hooray for progress!