
being a nurse

In honor of thanksgiving next week, each night at dinner we each talk about what we are thankful for.  (We will be making this a habit on a regular basis, way past thanksgiving... It's been so great for us to help recalibrate...)
Here is one (of the MANY) that has come up for me:
I have the privilege of being a mother baby/post partum nurse.  I absolutely love my job!  6 days a week,  my life is being at home with my babies (who aren't really babies anymore...), but for one day a week, I get to take care of mamas and their newborns and share in those sacred first moments that they have together.  
This quote hangs above our nurses station.
I realize what a blessing it is to not only have a job,  but to really and truly love it! It brings me such a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose, and I know that having that day makes me a better mom when I get home. It's easy to complain about small things but I realize more and more that it's a gift that I hope to never take for granted.  In this season of thanksgiving, my heart is thankful that the Lord has opened the door so that I can do what I have been doing for over a decade...♥
(But, I'm not going to lie, I am ALWAYS so excited to get home to these little people♥.)