
getting carded

Yesterday we walked to our public library and got Ryder his first library card!
It's such a silly thing, but I am really excited about it...
We can't wait to start checking out books and going to the Wednesday toddler reading time...
Then we headed to our new favorite park for lunch, which just happens to be right next to our library. It was a great day!
note: I am noticing a trend, when I walk into a new place that has a high counter, Ryder thinks one of two things
(because you can see it on his face):
1. "This must be my doctor's new office, good God, they are going to strip me down, ask me to stand on a scale, put things in my ears and mouth and want to vaccinate me..."
2. "Mom, you are going to drop me off here aren't you... Don't lie woman, you are going to leave, aren't you, don't try to deny it..."