
We're back!

We had a wonderful time with family this last week. With Kit traveling, it makes the days so nice to have people around that love us, feeding us, helping me with bath times and meal times and then at the end of the day, he is tuckered out, and sleeps good. (Now if I could get him to nap a little better, that would be perfect, but I think he doesn't want to miss anything fun...)

Our nephews and niece are so sweet with him. They want to carry him and feed him and anytime they talk with him, all of their voices go 3 octaves higher. He loves them so much. When one of them walks into the room, Ryder freaks, like he hasn't seen them for weeks. He looks at me like he's saying , "Mom, can you believe it, their HERE!!!"

Even with all the distractions, I can tell Ryder still really misses Kit, especially at bath time, dinner and our bed time ritual. Those are the times that he and Kit are together the most during a busy work week. Also, if I had a nickel for every time he says "DADA", I would have a complete private school college education saved for! Well, anyway, Kit gets home late tonight and we can't wait to see him.

Things I would do with down time:
When Ryder would nap, I would look at Pinterest and make a little craft and recipe to do list. We went to Michaels and did some thrift store shopping for old frames and I can't wait to show you what we are doing with those... Also, I am helping with our friends California reception (they were married in South Africa and Kit was able to attend the wedding), so my brain has been having fun brainstorming the decorations, though I must say doing a large event is so different than a birthday party in your back yard. For all you party planners out there, I give you major props! Jamie and Kit, you guys are party planner extraordinaires!

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful week and I can't wait to share more family projects and updates with you!
Kit, travel safe and hurry home!
We can't wait to see you!!!