
party details...

We are getting really excited about Ryder's birthday/dedication celebration and I will be spending most of this week nailing down little details for the special day while the little man is down for his naps.
Today: Working on kid's party favors and a welcome sign for our door.
Throwing a party with kids in mind is a little new for me. I realize that they need some activities and to keep them in mind when thinking about the food and all the good stuff, and party favors are no exception. So I found these pin wheels at Michael's and thought that they would be a fun little thing to have, but they needed a little tweak...
We have some other party favors up our sleeves but we have to have a few surprises for the day of, right?

Then, I wanted to have a sign for our front door that would welcome our guests.
So using these paper supplies:
I came up with this:
After the party, it will go in his baby book...
I am getting really excited about celebrating our little guy. Having our close friends and family there will make the day SOOOO special. I just can't wait!