
It came!

We are in the middle of a pandemic with the coronavirus.  There has been fear, anxiety and heartbreak around the world.  Our prayers have been looking outward to those around us, near and far that are effected by it all.
Personally it has caused changes and disappointments.
Things have been indefinitely postponed, things have attempted to be rescheduled, and things have been cancelled.
But in the midst of all of that, today is the last day of school before Spring Break.
Though so many unknowns surround us, and our hearts are heavy and our prayers are joining with those across the globe, I'm reminded , when you strip it all away, family time will always be the best time. I am grateful for things that recalibrate my heart to what truly matters most, and draw me to the Maker who holds it all.
Adventure awaits for this little family of mine and we are excited to unplug and just be present together!