

In our church, at the end of June, our kiddos moved up a grade/class in our children's ministry program.  That meant that Eden was finally in the large group area with Ryder and officially in the elementary group!
 I am not going to lie to you.  It was WAY more emotional than I had anticipated!
 Ryder told her how much fun they would have and how much she would love her new class.
They spent part of their time writing letters and drawing pictures to families that are waiting to be reunited at the boarder.  They read about The Good Samaritan and what it looks like to love Jesus by DOING rather than just watching.  It lead to powerful questions and discussions after church.  I am so thankful for our church and it's community and how they love on our family.  We are starting a new chapter with having both of our kids in elementary school and we can't wait for what it holds for us!