
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas around here...

We are having lots of fun this year with our preparations for christmas...
It has been a fun work in progress. I still have some projects to add.
Here are a few views from around our place:
Computer area:
My warm mulled cider candle is a new favorite!
Dining room:
Living room:
Eden's room:
Last year I made the pink ribbon tree so I decided to run with it this year and add silver and glitter.
Ryder's room:
(garland from Target)
 Thanks Mal for making this tree!  
It is a favorite tradition to pull it out and decorate it!
 Where all of our advent ornaments go:
(I put them on a ring so we can review the stories a little bit easier...)
and the best view in our house:
Yep, these faces are by far the best view♥.