

Ryder and I recently had some fun with some alphabet cards that I had gotten.   We do a few letters at a time, each day.  On this particular day, we did letters a-g.  We looked at the cards, on the back, there is information on that particular animal that we read out loud, then we got out our blocks and matched them to the cards.  We had a lot of fun and we didn't spend more than half an hour. 
It's so sweet to see him proud of himself for getting a letter correctly, and it is so wonderful to see his little mind learn and take in new things.  It really is such a great feeling as his mom!
In keeping it real, recently, after he was reprimanded for doing something he was told multiple times not to do, he told me he didn't like me and he wished I would go to work and that his dad would be with him.  To be honest, it stung, but it was resolved with love and it ended with hugs, kisses and I love you's.  Oh the joys of motherhood...  It allows me to always be learning too♥.