
weekend celebrations

On Sunday we are heading out to my parents house to celebrate mother's day.  I am so excited to get to be together.  There will be good food, lots of laughter, and TONS of talking!
I am thankful that I have these little people in my life that continue to teach me more about what motherhood is all about:
Eden and Ryder~
You two teach me on a daily basis about unselfishness, patience, and joy.
You show me  what it is to forgive, love unconditionally, and extend grace and mercy.
I can not tell you how many times I feel completely unworthy of the AMAZING babies that I have.
It is an honor to be your mommy, even on our hardest days and darkest mama moments.
I am so grateful that you are my children and I am thankful that you are MY littles.  
(Ok, your Daddy's too... ♥)
I am excited to watch you grow and develop into the people that Christ created you to be.
Thank you for making my dream of being a mom come true.
(I'll thank your Daddy too.♥)
I could not love you more!
I am not nieve to think that Mother's Day is a happy day for everyone.  Some of you have lost your moms or do not have a very good relationship with them or they are far away and you can't physically be with them this weekend.  Maybe you are trying to get pregnant and this holiday is the HUGE painful reminder that you are not. (I have been there.)  Whatever the place is that causes you heart ache, know that you are so loved and cared about.  You are not alone.  My prayer for you is that expereince some sense of joy and peace specifically this weekend... 
Love to you my sweet friends...♥