
time with family

While Kit was gone this week, we drove out and spent tuesday through thursday with my family. It was so fun!  They made the time that Kit was gone go so fast...
So here are a few snapshots of the week:
On Monday, we stayed home and enjoyed feeding the baby, had pillow fights, baked coffee cake, and just tried to stay cool... (This week, Eden had bananas, avocado, and sweet potatoes and LOVED all three...)
Then in Redlands, there was lots of things like
 crafting: (more on that later...)
having time in the pool: 
 (We really tuckered our littlest Rae out!)
 had time with family:
and bath time with the cousins:
This was my little guy on the way home:
(We had so much fun!)
To our family~
Thank you so much for loving on us while Kit was away.
We love you guys so much and we love living life with all of you.
Happy friday everyone!