
Eden Marie is 6 months old!

Today our Eden Marie is 6 months old.  We can't believe how fast time goes...  It really doesn't feel that long ago that we found out that we were pregnant, and now here she is.
We couldn't love this baby more!
And here is our little girl in her birthday crown:
(Ok, I know it's not her actual birthday, but having a crown makes it so much more fun!)
Eden Marie~
 You are such a happy baby.  Your name means delight and it could not be more fitting for you!  Here's a little snap shot of you right now.  You love to have us walk with you, but you can chill for hours in your bouncer.  You love your brother and he loves you.  Even though I know there will be times that you maybe won't like each other or get along, I can already see a connection forming and a foundation of a sibling relationship that is based on love and friendship.  You are teething right now so you love your teething girraffe and really anything that you can gum.  Even though you are teething, you have been sleeping through the night since week seven and you are an AMAZING eater.  You are ticklish and you love to laugh, but I can see that you are similar to your brother in that you size things up and take things in with your eyes before you get comfortable with your surroundings.  I love your face.  I am always wondering what you are thinking.  Sometimes you look like your dad, and some of your expressions look like my baby pictures.  We love how with  each day you are coming into your own and becoming your own little person. We are so thankful to have you in our lives and we are grateful for the opportunity to be your parents and to have you as part of our family!  Happy half birthday!
love, your mom and dad
ps, Ryder says he loves you and is blowing you lots of kisses♥♥♥