
The coolest Christmas present!

Kit has become an amazing photographer.  I love how he sees things through a lens and the images that he is able to capture.  I am always trying to learn from him on how to get a great shot.
For Christmas, Kit took a photo shoot of Ryder on our favorite Fullerton trail and made canvas art out of them for me.  Here are some of the images from the day: 
So here is what Kit created:
He went with black and white since all of our wall photos are in that color scheme:
We picked a wall that we can add to and move things around so that when miss Eden arrives, she can get here up there too.  I LOVE our new picture wall.  Kit, thank you so much for creating these for me.  I love them!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy New Year!  
(We will be getting our carpet on monday so hopefully we will have some pictures by tuesday or wednesday of the new carpet!)