Our nephew is turning seven this weekend and I just can't believe what a big kid he is... it doesn't seem like that long ago that we were heading into the hospital for his delivery. I like to think that we have a very special bond because his birthday is on june 6th and mine is june 7th and I was with him when midnight hit and he was fast asleep in my arms... ok enough mush... well, that baby is now 7 years old and 100% boy.
I am not the best at gift giving (the understatement of the year...) so when we went to put his gift together this year, I actually became giddy because I just know it's right up his alley.
We got him this experiment book by Sean Connolly.
Then I got some of the common ingredients to go with it (vinegar, baking soda, corn starch, gun powder, matches, a really sharp knife...) Just kidding, I only got him the vinegar, baking soda and corn starch, the other stuff comes at his 8th birthday...
Then on the gift bag, I put :WARNING! CONTAINS EXPLOSIVES!
He's going to go ape!
DISCLAIMER: this book was approved by my sister and will be done with supervision, but the experiments all seem age appropriate.
I can't wait to share his birthday pictures with you.
Last year, when he was asked what type of birthday he wanted, he just looked at my sister and in a very matter of fact way said
"Lots of boobie traps"
This year, the theme is marshmallow shooters and so 24 kids will be armed with home made PVC pipe shooters and told to run a muck toward targets. (Did I mention he was 100% boy?) Here are the invites:
When Xander made his, the first thing he shot was his sister. Now she wasn't pleased, but when she realized she was being shot with marshmallows, she was conflicted. Our baby girl LOVES marshmallows, so it should be an interesting party. My money is on the she will be eating as much ammo as she can get her hands on.
I can't wait to share the events of the day with you!