
Some thoughts on registering...(get ready for a rant...)

I recently went to register for Ryder. I had thought that it would be this exciting thing, like when we registered for our wedding, with the anticipation of a new chapter in our lives. However, I found myself overwhelmed by all the products and choices and the feeling that "if we REALLY loved Ryder, we would figure out how to get the top of the line accessories for him. I mean, if I don't get the BEST stuff out there, then we must not be making the best decisions for him as his parents, right?" WRONG!

I think of what our parents had for us. (Um, I don't think I was in a carseat after the age of one years old (and nobody said boo about it...) I don't think that we had any battery operated toys and I don't remember being aware of technology until elementary school, and I don't remember feeling deprived either... Am I saying don't use a car seat? Of course not! I mean things have come a long way, but when did all that EXTRA stuff become so important? things have really changed, apparently. I was trying to just find simple toys that didn't trigger ADD or make me spontaneously twitch because of the sounds they made and the way they lit up.
Finding the OFF switch on some toys is like trying to find the exit in a casino...

I realized that I think that I can easily fall into the trap that more stuff, or better stuff makes you happier, or makes life better or more full, and my gosh, who wants to pass that idea/philosophy onto your kid?! Sometimes more is just more, right? I mean, it's just STUFF, right? Isn't the most important thing for Ryder that we KNOW who he is, in his good, bad and ugly times? That we make our relationship with Jesus a top priority, the center of our home and our marriage, that our marriage is one that reflects our vows that we made to each other over 7 years ago, about being each others best friends, supporters, protectors, and lovers...?
When did I think that the STUFF was more important for a kid?

Needless to say, I was completely caught off guard that I would have this response to the whole registering thing. Who knew it would trigger all these thoughts and feelings on parenting and personal issues... I am wondering if anyone else out there had the same response, or similar feelings or if I am just being hormonal...?
(note: If I am being hormonal, don't tell me that, pregnant people don't ever like to be told that they are hormonal... or, by the way, how "cute" their largeness is...)